Greater Flint Arts Council is pleased to announce the 2025 Share Art Genesee Community Arts Grants program. GFAC will  award grants to established nonprofit and governmental arts and cultural institutions. The Share Art Genesee Program was established to provide grants to build the capacity of local arts organizations in reaching their potential in transforming our communities into vibrant, inclusive destinations with a unique sense of place.


Art can be a powerful way for multiple narratives to be heard, seen, and included in the knowledge and experiences of a community. The arts can build a sense of community through shared experiences, improve quality of our lives by providing outlets for the creativity inherent in all of us, and stimulate economic development by attracting visitors to our community.


This initiative puts your tax dollars to work as the program is funded in whole by Genesee County Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment Millage funds. We thank the voters of Genesee County for recognizing the important role the arts play in the lives of all those who reside here and approving this grant program to support arts education, and cultural enrichment programs at nonprofit and governmental arts and cultural institutions in Genesee County. 



Share Art Genesee Grant Guidelines and Criteria


Greater Flint Arts Council is providing these grants in Genesee County to build the capacity of local arts organizations to reach their potential in transforming our communities into vibrant, inclusive destinations with a unique sense of place. Art can be a powerful way for multiple narratives to be heard, seen, and included in the knowledge and experiences of a community. The arts can build a sense of community through shared experiences, improve the quality of our lives by providing outlets for the creativity inherent in all of us, and stimulate economic development by attracting visitors to our community. 

View Guidelines

Personal virtual workshops are available by appointment. Email request to

None listed at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Millage funds may not be used to purchase equipment or make capital improvements. They may, however, be used for supplies necessary for program execution.

No. Projects do not have to be new, however we encourage innovative, collaborative projects and fresh ideas.

Yes. You may apply for this grant every year throughout the ten years the millage is passed for.

Yes. There is a place on the last page of the application to upload documents. Please follow the instructions in the guidelines regarding which documents are required.

No. Electronic submission is required. If you need coaching with this, please contact Greg Fiedler at 810.238.2787  or email to for assistance.

Adhere to the guidelines and criteria posted on the Share Art Genesee website, and be as specific as possible about who, what, when, where and why. Write a compelling story about how your project will have an effect on the lives of community members. Check the budget to be sure the numbers are accurate and added correctly. Make sure your income and expense balance. There are no guarantees, however, and this grant program is expected to be competitive.

Yes. A personal virtual grant workshop can be scheduled by sending an email to Greg Fiedler ( as stated on the home page.

No. Only 501 C 3 Nonprofit Arts and Cultural organizations or cultural offices of local government are eligible to apply.

Yes. Only Genesee County organizations are elligible to apply.